Hello! For Friendly Neighborhood Friday, we have Grace Snoke. She does something that helps authors and all kinds of people. Web design and SEO optimization. Grace is also an author, so she understands what we need in that department. Here's a bit about her in her own words. I’m a 34-year-old corporate journalist who enjoys the past times of gaming, reading, writing and jewelry making. My day job involves handling internal communication, maintaining websites and writing a couple of quarterly newsletters for the same Fortune 500 company, and handling a plethora of tech issues as well as some of the company’s (who I am employed by) website and social media. Anyway, now that we're no longer distracted by an assertive browncoat, on to the interview!
D.R.- Marvel or DC? G.S.- Marvel. I have a love affair with DC, but I had a discussion with my husband regarding DC and with the exception of a few characters, DC characters are often too disconnected which makes them make bad decisions that they regret later. Same is true for Marvel, but there’s more Marvel characters that are everyday joes and far less billionaire heroes. D.R.- Castiel or Crowley? G.S.- Crowley! He’s an interesting Neutral Evil character. I know some would argue that he’s chaotic evil, but I’m pretty sure he’s Neutral Evil. And a well portrayed one. D.R.- Dogs or cats? G.S.- Cats - I have two. The oldest, Marie, is turning 14 years old in November. The youngest, Felicity, is 9 and is my lucky kitty. She was the runt of the litter born on 07/07/07. D.R.- Cake or pie? G.S.- Cake. Especially Death by Chocolate Cake. I haven’t had that in forever, now I want that. If there’s a Death by Chocolate Pie, I’d prolly say pie. D.R.- What is your quest? G.S.- I seek the holy grail. >.> <.< I quest to become a well-known author and reporter. I’m sort of on my way there, just have to get the rest of the way there. D.R.- Who or what is your biggest inspiration? G.S.- Anne Rice. She is the author I am, one day, aspiring to become. She lives her life to the fullest and is completely open about why she writes, how she writes, how the characters talk to her, etc. She’s lived her life quite publicly as an author and that’s really quite impressive in this day and age. D.R.- Where'd you get the idea for your services? G.S.- I’ve been designing and maintaining websites since I was 16 years old - so 20 some odd years. I’ve done website maintenance professionally as one of my day job responsibilities for the past 10 years and I’ve done freelance work as such for even longer. Many authors want a website, but don’t necessarily know where to begin or how to design templates for the CMS they are using or even if they should use CMS or should they use something else. I like being able to help people with their sites - whether it be designing a custom theme, customizing an already designed theme, doing copy writing for them or doing Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization has become more important as the years go on. Being able to be found is really important and some people can easily grasp what they need to do to be found, but for others it’s more difficult. I try to help wade through the alphabet soup of SEO and get results that help them be found easier. I also provide advice on ways to improve search engine listings which includes work they have to do on their own as well. I’ve been doing press releases for entities in the video game industry for many years. I know how to write and do releases and would be glad to work with authors on press releases to get their books out there. Social media planning is often time consuming for authors and sometimes they’re not sure what to do. I can provide guidance on this and a plan to help them get going. I can also recommend individuals for hire to handle author social media in addition to myself D.R.- What do you have to offer authors? G.S.- Custom website design for WordPress as well as straight HTML site design. Website maintenance. One of the largest problems many people, including authors, face is keeping the website plugins and program updated. When they aren’t up to date, they put the site at risked for being hacked. Search Engine Optimization Press releases Social media planning I feel like I’m forgetting something here….oh well. D.R.- Where can we find your goods/services on the Internet? G.S.- I am currently revamping my website, but it can be found here.
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January 2025
D.R. Perry's books on Goodreads
Fangs for the Memories (Providence Paranormal College, #2)
reviews: 17
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A Change In Crime: A Supernatural Depression-Era Thriller (La Famiglia di Mostri, #1)
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ratings: 15 (avg rating 4.27) |