I'm not black or transgender. But I'm Jewish. My grandparents raised me with the idea that Never Again means not to anyone. If you've read Hawthorn Academy, these values are reflected in Bubbe, Aliyah's grandmother. I wrote her to honor them.
This morning, I took the Deathly Hallows decal off my car. So many friends in fandom have a Hogwarts shaped hole in their hearts. I made a list, trying to help. There are other books and series in fantasy educational settings. I've read these and add the caveat that Cecilia Tan and Lev Grossman write New Adult. However, P.A.W.S. Tortall and Wizard's Hall are all firmly in the YA category. Wizard's Hall by Jane Yolen Tortall by Tamora Pierce The Magicians by Lev Grossman Magic University by Cecilia Tan P.A.W.S by Debbie Manber Kupfer
January 2025
D.R. Perry's books on Goodreads
Fangs for the Memories (Providence Paranormal College, #2)
reviews: 17
ratings: 41 (avg rating 4.20)
A Change In Crime: A Supernatural Depression-Era Thriller (La Famiglia di Mostri, #1)
reviews: 9
ratings: 15 (avg rating 4.27) |