One of the things I do as an author is speak about craft, process, and collaboration. Last year, I had a unique and exciting opportunity to work with a cosplayer on an entry for an invitational competition. Just yesterday, I was on a fan convention-focused podcast speaking about this with another author and cosplayer team. It's called Defying Conventionalism and casts over at YouTube. It was so much fun! We talked about literary cosplay with Squeaker's Nut House: Cosplay & Creations, Shami Stovall, The Dyslexic Cosplayer, Mera Rose, and Tehdy B. Cosplay. You can find the video, along with more information about my hosts and fellow guests, here:
Hello. I haven't been around so I'm surprised this thing's still on. In case you're still around to pick up a piece, here it is. Finally.
When I started this author career, I paced along the edge of small symptoms of illness in ignorance, like The Fool in the tarot card with his dog at the cliff's edge, continuing this creative mission like the syndicated uniformed actors on Star Trek. The thing about going boldly where you haven't before is that there's always a surprise. Whether good or bad, only fate truly gets a say. Eventually, mine spoke its piece. I fell. Right off the edge of a cliff I called The Mystery Illness for a handful of years. TMI is an accurate moniker. When you don't know what sickness you're down with, why bring others down by talking much about it? And so, I restrained it mostly to medical professionals, though family and close friends got an earful. Or a pageful, to describe online communication more accurately. It wasn't all bad news. A friend passed my work on and I got picked up by a publisher. The downside to that was only having enough spell slots to do the necessary for them. Unchecked, TMI is a harsh monarch, one that gave no mercy, let alone allowance for side projects or even tangential excesses to post here. After what seemed like an endless cycles of segues between doctors, insurance companies, diagnostic labs, and back to doctors again I finally had it. A way to stand up against the thing that had held me at the bottom of the cliff all those years. Because we found its name. TMI was Sjogren's Disease. It's a widely variable condition, like many autoimmune illnesses. For me, its main features are fatigue, brain fog, and trouble with autonomic nerves. I'll never be back where I was before that fall, but with treatment I have found some level of improvement. I'm still planning to write books, as I have all this time. The other stuff, well. Let's just say we shall see just how much of my freedom I can wrest back from Sjogren's. In any event, life updates like this will be public. I'm easing back in so I don't want to do too many and burn out. As the song says, if you don't expect too much you might not be let down. Cross-posted at Patreon. |
January 2025
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